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I’m a 23 year old Designer Maker from a small town called Hartlepool in the North East of England.


I graduated from Cleveland College of Art & Design in July 2016 with a degree in BA (Hons) Contemporary Textile Products.


Throughout the course I combined surface design with 3D production to create contemporary products. I have a wide knowledge of digitally produced and hand rendered textiles which has led me to develop conceptual collections of interior accessories, fashion accessories, stationery and gift products.


I specialise in embellishment, embroidery and digital print. I combine these techniques to create exciting innovative contemporary products. I use traditional embroidery techniques but I like to sometimes combine these with more innovative materials such as acrylic.


I take inspiration from everything and like to create collections of products based on different themes. I browse charity and vintage shops to gather primary research and items such as vintage tins and perfume bottles. I collect these to draw inspiration to create contemporary outcomes.


Themes I have created collections on in the past include, vintage finds, flowers, sealife, tearooms and bakeries and the fairground. I plan on expanding these collections soon.


I am currently working on a collection of embellished bird textile wall art pieces.


My favourite materials to work with include BeadsSequinsPom PomsGlitter FabricSilkVelvetFeltResin, Acrylic, Embroidery ThreadsMetallic Threads, Silk, Organza and Velvet. 



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